Small Animal Ventilators (SAR-1000 Advanced Small Animal Ventilator)
A pioneer in the field of small animal ventilation, CWE's ventilators offer legendary reliability and flexible operation like the SAR-1000 Advanced Small Animal Ventilator. Whether you need a basic ventilator for animal maintenance during surgery, or need to perform more complicated experiments, we can help. -Expandable to multiple animals -Mice, rats, Guinea pigs -Surgical support -Control-of-breathing studies

Gas Analyzers (CapStar-100 End-Tidal CO2 Monitor)
The monitoring of expired gas has long been known to be an important indicator of the physiological health of experimental animals. -CO2 & O2 Monitoring improves surgical survivability -CO2 & O2 Monitoring validates respiratory status -Commonly used in hypoxia and control of breathing studies CWE offers a range of gas analyzers for different respiratory physiology applications like the CapStar-100 End-Tidal CO2 Monitor.

Temperature Control (TC-1000 Temperature Controller)
Maintaining body temperature during surgical procedures or other times the experimental animal is anesthetized is important for physiological health. The TC-1000 Temperature Controller monitors and controls the body temperature of small animals. -Features a DC proportional controller to provide artifact-free heating using a resistive heating pad. -Heating pads and probes for mice & rats -Uses standard YSI-400 series thermistor temperature probes -Complete systems (see below) for mice & rats

Gas Mixers (GSM-3 Three-Channel Gas Mixer)
The GSM-3 and GSM-4 Programmable Gas Mixers take three (or four) input gasses and produce user-defined mixtures using these gasses. -Up to four different mix programs can be defined and stored at any one time. Mixers use high-accuracy mass flow controllers (MFC's) to set the flow for each gas channel. -GSM-Comm software allows automated, user-defined timed protocols for changing mixtures. -User sets total flow of mixture and concentration of each gas in the mixture. -Operates as stand-alone unit or with GSM-Comm for full remote-control. -We customize each unit with the most appropriate flow controllers for the intended application. -Now offering low flow (<20 lpm) and high flow (>20 lpm) versions.

Direct Blood Pressure (BP-100 Automated Direct BP Monitor)
Direct arterial blood pressure is the gold standard of BP measurement. CWE offers several instruments for this measurement like the BP-100 Automated Direct BP Monitor. -Method is straightforward but requires catheterization of a major artery. -Uses interchangeable clinical-type BP transducers -All these amplifiers have analog signal outputs for use with data acquisition systems.

Bioamplifiers (BMA-200 Single Channel AC/DC Preamplifier)
CWE manufactures a wide variety of amplifiers for biopotential signals like the BMA-200 Single Channel AC/DC Preamplifier. -Single or multichannel amplifiers -Wide gain ranges for uV to mV level signals -Sharp bandpass filters for focusing on signals of interest from EEG to EMG Applications from battery-powered field use to laboratory
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