
The MEA2100-System is the most versatile in vitro recording system from Multi Channel Systems. You can record from neuronal or cardiac cultures, stem cells, or brain or cardiac slices.
The MEA2100-System is a very compact solution with integrated amplifier and stimulus generator, temperature control, and the option for real-time signal detection and feedback.
The main advantage of the MEA2100-System is its flexibility. Various headstage types facilitate the usage of different MEAs. You can record from up to 4 MEAs in parallel, all at a sampling rate of 50 kHz per channel, ensuring an excellent data quality.


The Multiwell-MEA system is the perfect solution for medium to high throughput in vitro electrophysiology. Featuring a 24- or 96-well plate format, it is especially suited for safety pharmacology and toxicity screenings.
Being based on the MEA2100-technology, it includes high-quality, low-noise amplifiers, and freely-programmable stimulators.
One big advantage of the Multiwell-MEA-System is the high sampling rate. Your data is sampled at up to 50 kHz per channel (simultaneously on all channels). Thus, the accuracy of your data is guaranteed, whether you record from cardiac or neuronal samples.

MEA Xpress

Partnering up with Opentrons, we are proud to launch an integrated, reliable, yet stunningly affordable automated screening platform, to help facilitate and speed up your compound screening protocols. Combining the well known Multiwell-MEA-System with the liquid handling robot offers you an automated platform for substance screening: MEA Xpress.
The robot perfectly houses the Multiwell-MEA-System and offers high-precision pipettes that execute the liquid transfer quickly and accurately.


The wireless in vivo systems are the all-in-one solution for amplifying, recording, and analyzing in vivo data from 4, 8, 16 or 32 channels.
The system includes everything you need: Small-sized headstage with integrated A/D converter, digitized transmission, powerful receiver, batteries, as well as a powerful software package.
The most advantageous feature of the Wireless-Systems is the amplification and digitalization of the data on the headstage itself. This way, only digital data is sent to the receiver, which ensures that your data is not diluted or distorted.
With its excellent signal-to-noise ratio, it is the ideal solution for spikes, LFP, EEG, ECG, and ECoG. Additional inputs to the receiver allow the synchronization of the data with external devices.


The ME2100-System is a tethered in vivo recording system. It is the complete setup for anesthetized/head-fixed animals, including everything you need for your experiment.
The system consists of a signal collector unit (MCS-SCU) for up to four headstages, which also contains a connector for up to four outputs for optical stimulation (optogenetics). The signal collector is connected via eSATA cable to the interface board. Up to two signal collectors can be connected to one IFB-C multiboot interface board. Headstages have 32 recording channels plus ground and reference inputs. Amplifier, stimulators and A/D converters are all directly on the headstage, which allows low-noise, high quality data acquisition.
The stimulator units can be connected by software command to any of the recording channels, or to a connector for an external stimulation electrode, which is also located at the headstage. Each of the 32 channels can be used for recording or stimulation, whereas 2 channels can be used for external stimulation electrodes as well.
ME2100-System-8-foldWith a multifold ME2100-System up to two signal collectors can be connected to one interface board, thereby creating a system with 8 headstages for parallel recordings.

Pipette Based Automatic Patch-Clamp System

The PatchServer is world-wide the only automatic patch-clamp system that is able to establish single-channel and whole-cell recording configurations using tools and techniques from the manual patch approach. The PatchServer is an add-on tool for manual patch-clamp setups. It utilizes standard glass electrodes and employs step-by-step the manual patch-clamp procedure of a human experimenter.

STG5 Stimulus Generator

With a broad output range up to 16mA and a scalable, upgradeable design, the STG5 Stimulus Generator is perfect for a broad range of applications. A 5µs reaction time gives you the ability to create complex stimulation patterns, and the powerful and user-friendly software saves you both time and stress.

Microelectrode Arrays (60 Electrodes)

The Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) in Reutlingen, Germany is a research institute which produces high-quality MEAs using utmost biocompatible materials. The NMI and Multi Channel Systems have collaborated on many projects and over many years. The MEA production is ISO 9001:2008 certified, so quality controls and standardized production processes ensure that the MEAs are always of excellent and consistent quality.

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