Optogenetics Stimulation

Scientifica HoloStim-3D
Acquire high-quality images and maximise your photon collection when performing multiphoton fluorescence imaging.
The HoloStim-3D seamlessly integrates with the HyperScope and VistaScope award-winning multiphoton imaging systems, to create an industry-leading spatial light modulator (SLM) system for all-optical interrogation of neural networks with previously unachievable performance.
CoolLED pE-300ultra
LED illumination for in-vitro optogenetics and high-speed fluorescence microscopy.
Intense, broad-spectrum LED illumination for imaging most common fluorescent stains. Users have access to both microsecond switching via multiple TTL inputs and the ability to mount inline excitation filters. This, when paired with today’s high performance multi band filter sets, facilitates imaging traditionally done via a white light source and a filter wheel, with all the benefits of LED.
CoolLED pE-800
With eight individually controllable LEDs and fast TTL switching, the pE-800 takes centre stage as the widefield illumination method of choice.
Versatile and intuitive the pE-800 with liquid light guide delivery makes next generation LED illumination accessible to all.Want to know more?
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